Corpse Pose

“Nature had not intended man to work from eight in the morning until midnight without the refreshment of blessed oblivion” ~ Sir Winston Churchill

This posture is known as Savasana, which can be translated as “Corpse Pose” (sava = corpse, asana = pose). It’s the pose in which you can relax in between the exercises and at the end of a yoga session. Although the name might sound a bit creepy, lying in the Corpse Pose is very enjoyable and refreshing. To many practitioners, it’s the highlight of the yoga session.

I’ve found out that it’s also remarkably refreshing to relax in this pose for 10 – 20 minutes when coming home after work.

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Coordinating Body and Mind

This is an exercise from the Tibetan Kum Nye1 yoga. As you lie on your side, you lift arm and leg simultaneously. The movement is actually quite simple. But don’t underestimate this exercise! The real challenge lies in moving the limbs perfectly synchronously. And you may find that surprisingly difficult to do. The key is attention, you’ll need to concentrate well on the exercise. By doing so, you’re training both your attention and coordination skills.

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